Monday, 21 January 2013

The Reward Card Conundrum

Some facts about me:
  • I am crazy
  • Little things really do annoy me like this...

I was at college today. Nothing unusual about that, although I wasn't supposed to be as I was supposed to be at an university interview in Hull... but snow happened.  I was thirsty so I went to buy myself a drink (I also bought jelly beans which I love but that is irrelevant to the story) but instead of going to the various vending machines, I had to go to the canteen because I had insufficient change. And that's where the problem began...

The canteen lady gave me this card, a reward card. Basically when you buy a drink from a selection of drinks, you get a stamp on said card. On handing the card over, the lady muttered something about getting the eighth drink free when you get seven stamps, an offer I found quite appealing considering the recent rise for drinks in college of ten pence. Glad of my successful purchases and the prospect of a free drink in the future I returned to my group of friends.

It is only then that I inspected the card further. According to the card, when you purchase your eighth drink you can enter your details, send the card off and get the "chance to win an iPod Touch or Xbox 360". Of course, like many teenagers, the thought of a free (minus the cost of eight drinks totaling a maximum of £8.80) iPod or Xbox seemed much more appealing than a free drink. Then questions formed in my head. Does this mean the college is not endorsing this reward card to its fullest? Do I get a stamp for my promised free eighth drink? If so, do I get entered in the draw for a iPod Touch or Xbox 360?

The whole episode confused me greatly. I found myself getting angry at the card. The friends I was with will vouch that I did rant for quite a while about this card.

The world has many problems; some major, some insignificant. I can safely say that the world will be a better place if reward cards like this were either banished or have the terms and conditions clarified by all parties to spare me, and others, this grief.

Stay Strong

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