Sunday, 27 January 2013

Musicals, Socialising and Top Gs

"I wish life was like a musical"

That is a phrase that I have heard all too often, and have said myself on a number of occasions.  Musicals seem to offer us the an image of hope, that you can sing off any emotions and feelings. Wouldn't life be better if we eased our way through it accompanied by some Andrew Lloyd-Webber and Tim Rice, or Rodgers and Hammerstein? You've got a new friend who joins your little friendship group and suddenly your whole group and everyone around you breaks into "Consider Yourself" from Oliver, or you have some news to tell everyone so everyone starts singing "What's The Buzz?" from Jesus Christ Superstar.
There is a song for every occasion. They can range from "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" (Spamalot) to "Close Every Door To Me" (Joseph), all of which convey different emotions and, I believe, we can all relate to.

Unfortunately, life isn't as simple as a musical.  There is no script. Everyone is singing different words to different tunes and it's all very confusing.  Sometimes I just want to stand up in front of everyone and just belt out a load of top Gs (the highest I can really sing before things get bad) using angry sounding words and melodies.  Things like:

It seems to me a strange thing, mystifying
That a man like you can waste his time on women of her kind.
Yes, I can understand that she amuses,
But to let her stroke you, kiss your hair, that's hardly in your line.
It's not that I object to her profession,
But she doesn't fit in well with what you teach and say.
It doesn't help us if you're inconsistent.
hey only need a small excuse to put us all away.
Or even:
I don't know how to love him
I don't know why he moves me
He's a man
He's just a man
He's not a king
He's just the same
As anyone I know
He scares me so!
When he's cold and dead
Will he let me be?
Does he love me too?
Does he care for me?
People annoy me so much, especially people around my age.  I was at a Burns Night event last night (which is a Scottish thing filled with eating and dancing) and I really enjoyed it. There was no one there my age so I had no one to impress as such. Yes, it might have been nice if there were one or two people who were my age but I prefer the company of older people. They won't try and change you, or judge you for who you aren't. They'll be kind to you no matter what your creed, background or ideologies. We all think that the older generation are narrow minded and don't look at new things, but maybe it is us youngster who actually have the tunnel vision. That's the problem with the youth of today. They see what they want and will try and get it, no matter what. And that is why I occasionally want to go and have an angry vocal rant at them...
You sad pathetic man - see where you've brought us to
Our ideals die around us and all because of you
But the saddest cut of all -
Someone has to turn you in
Like a common criminal, like a wounded animal
A jaded mandarin
A jaded mandarin
Like a jaded, faded, faded, jaded, jaded mandarin

Stay Strong

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