Monday, 28 January 2013


Just read the title. I need a script.

This isn't going to be one of my usual blog entries where I try and preach about the world and make ridiculous connections between stuff. This entry is more of a plea. I need something to do...

For a number of years now I have wanted to write a musical. Musicals are a huge passion of mine and I've always wanted to write one. Even before I started composing I wanted to write a musical. I love the idea that a story can be told in song form and that a standard stage play can convey more emotion and become more appealing to an audience through the use of music.
When I first thought about wanting to write a musical, I came up with a story line. From what I remember, it was a story about a young girl who was the daughter to a pirate captain. I had a vague idea for a story, and a couple of lyrical ideas, but no music. At this stage I had never written any music whatsoever so a musical was, of course, going to be a huge challenge with me having to write songs that are different and match the mood for that part of the story, as well as having certain themes repeated. It just wasn't going to happen.

Then, about a year ago, I had another idea. This time I also had a vague plot outline. The show was going to be based within a music theatre group (a bit High School Musical meets Glee) and include lots of inner feuds which would give me space to explore themes and melodies.  The difference this time was that I actually wrote some music. To this day I have two songs from this written; one being a love song between the two young leads ("I Think I'm In Love") and an angry feud song between the music director and the choreographer ("The Singing's More Important Than The Dancing"). My major problem was that I didn't having anything concrete to work on, or any time to work on it so, I scrapped the idea.

Now I find myself craving a project like this. I've spent ages researching how to go about this and I believe that I am musically reading to tackle a project like this. I just need the storyline. I'm no good with words and actually getting something written down, and the best way to go about this is to have a written script with all the written dialogue and then places marked out for possible songs.
So, here's the idea. Someone writes a script for me, or gives me a script that they've already written, so that I can turn it into a musical. I would be more than willing to work with you on the project, so that we can bounce ideas off and so you can stop me from potentially ruining your masterpiece. In return, I will of course credit you for the script (and storyline) and try and get this actually performed. I have contacts in local theatre companies who are always looking for new plays or musicals to put on.

I am willing to put in a lot of time and energy into such a project, I just need something to work with. If you are interested in helping me in any way, please leave a comment or something (or tweet me @winmusic28). Thank you

Stay Strong



  1. yuck wordpress is way cooler...
    good idea really, write the script yourself (more money) haha

    1. But I'm unable to write the script, or any kind of story, hence the pleading

    2. (rip off someone else)
      or just write music to scenes a popular play to get in the mood?
