Monday, 4 February 2013

Reviewing Reviews

  1. an examination of something to decide whether changes are necessary
  2. a critical assessment of a book, play, etc.
  3. a report of an event that has already happened
  4. a ceremonial display of military forces
  1. examine or consider something again
  2. write a review of
Yes, that seems like a weird beginning to a blog, quoting my newly found little OED at you, but there is a point.  Reviews are judgements or opinions on movies, music, comedians, books... and people.  They can help us make up our minds about things, or prepare us.  Many people will look at reviews for the latest films or games before they watch them or purchase them in order to find out what they are about and how good they are (something that I should I done before I went to see 'Lincoln' the other day. It's a good film but I probably should have read around the subject before going to watch the film).

The point is, we all make judgements and have opinions of things, and they do all conflict. It doesn't matter what it is, there will be differences.  Whether it be the best song, best Disney film, best sport... all of us will have a different idea that we are passionate about, but it doesn't mean that those views are right.  I try and get a balanced view of everything.  It's like when a teacher asks for both sides of the story after a fight. They just want to make a fair and balanced judgement on the situation.  The only problem with this is that the more you know, the harder it becomes to make up your mind.  This is the whole topic for the song entitled "The Fence" by Tim Minchin. He sings about how it is easier to see the difference between two conflicting views if you do sit on the metaphorical fence.

We should all "first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." (Matthew 7:5) Basically, look at yourself before you judge others. We all have imperfections, flaws, no matter who we are. Practice what you preach. Don't tell someone that they need to 'check their spelling' when your spelling is awful. Don't let the Hypocrisy Hippo enter the room. Maybe then we will all be able to get on a lot better with each other and improve as a race...

So, here's the challenge. Review yourself and send that review to someone you know, then get them to review themselves and do the same. Then write reviews about each other and compare notes. You might learn things about yourself and the other person by doing this. Just make sure you're honest and don't hide things, even if you hate their crooked nose, walking style, or hair style...

Oh... and no self-loathing! (Yes, I know who you are you self-loathers!)

Stay Strong

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