Friday, 24 May 2013

What I Don't Understand About... Drinking!

Yay!!! Welcome back to this series about things I don't understand. Today we're going to cover drinking as in drinking of alcoholic drinks, not as in the act of drinking because that is a necessity for life.

Now, I am an 18 year old teenager and I don't drink alcohol at all, ever.  I don't like the taste.  People question me on this but I don't like the taste of mushrooms or coconut and don't eat them yet people don't question me on that. So why is there this obsession with alcohol?

One argument posed is that you can't have fun without alcohol. I beg to differ. You can have plenty of fun with a Sprite and a pack of cards. The alcohol is not necessary.  I think many people feel that they can drink their problems away with alcohol but you don't really drink them away, more delay them.  You can do the same with a game of dominoes and that is much more healthy for you.

I'm not anti-alcohol. I just don't like the stuff and have seen what it can potentially do to people.  I don't like it when people joke about this fact about me because, if you want to joke about this little dislike of mine, then you should also joke about my other dislikes. My dislike towards cake (but not all cake), towards clothes and towards most TV programs.  The fact that I don't drink is my own choice and you can't force me to drink for your own entertainment, or else I'll put you in a room full of spiders, get you to eat moldy cheese or make you endure the whole Twilight movie saga.

Alcohol makes me feel ill, even just the smell of it.  I don't understand how people at college can go out each night or every other night and drink.  It doesn't look attractive.  It doesn't smell attractive either and a lot of the stories that I have heard from people I know at college does not make the whole experience sound very appealing. Thank you, but no thanks.

This is a personal choice and I'm not ever going to tell someone to give up on alcohol. I just don't see the logic behind their reasons and I believe that it isn't the be all and end all of having fun and socialising. It's just as easy to socialise over a cup of tea.

As always, you can comment your view on this matter or a view on another topic that you don't understand about.

Stay Strong

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