Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Here's An Idea!!!

What makes an idea good?  I'm sure we've all had ideas but rejected them for various reasons.  As human beings, we are constantly thinking up new things.  Some of us think about things that will effect the whole world, things that might improve the world economy. Others think about ways to beat the newest 'boss' on their video game or think up things that may make their friends happy.

My view is that all ideas have the potential to be good, if given the right encouragement.  You can't reject an idea if you haven't tried it out and seen whether it works or whether it fails.  If it works then brilliant! If it fails then you can work out why it has failed and improve upon it.

I came across a fantastic message today from and unlikely source: Cheryl Cole's twitter page.  The face of this message may look like a stupid celebrity remark, but it actually is so true and... beautiful.

"I've learned so much from my mistakes. I'm thinking of making some more."
We learn from our mistakes so, let's embrace them and learn from them. You might just change for good.  That idea, the one you are thinking about now, is amazing. Trust me. Now, go out and work to make that idea a reality. You'll never know where you'll end up because of it.

Stay Strong

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