Saturday, 8 June 2013

Super Saturday (With A Sprinkling Of Stress)

Today has been an extremely busy day for me, and it has had its great ups but also some stress attached.  The stress came from the amount of places I needed to be at at different times and making sure that I did have enough time to revise ahead of my exam on Monday morning, which I can't do much of tomorrow as I have lots on tomorrow as well (I know right!!! Such a Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle I lead!)

It started off with a bit of a meeting about a new project that I might be taking up.  The idea is to turn the Greek myth of "Pandora's Box" into a musical, preferably for kids.  The story really lends itself to a musical and, possibly even into a musical where it is fully musical with no spoken dialogue.  It's only an idea at the moment and might not even go ahead, both with me writing the music or the actual story being put into a stage musical.

All this meant that I couldn't go to my band practice, which is an activity that I absolutely love, not only because it's a chance to play but because it's a chance to meet up with people my age and joke around with them.  I really do enjoy it so much, even though it's only an hour, and I will deeply miss it when I have to give it up in the summer.

Next, after lunch, came the Durrington Festival, where I sat on my churches stool for three hours and sold books, puzzles and toys and the chance to win sweets on hook-a-duck.  At this event, I was also honoured to be given the Peter Bloxham Charitable Award, which is an award given to a person who does things for others without asking for rewards, gives up their own time, is always available and volunteering, and keeps within the community spirit. It was a great surprise to be nominated for such an award, let alone win it.  I'm extremely grateful for this yet, I feel slightly guilty as I don't feel I do that much. Therefore, I'm taking this award as a marker and promising myself that I will do more for others as there is always someone less fortunate than I am.

All in all, it's been a very busy day. Exciting, but busy.  Tomorrow is going to be just as busy as I am the Organist for a "Songs of Praise" event at my church.  I just need a little bit of a break so that I can work on this musical (well, both musicals that I am working on along with the Mass setting that I'm writing) but all of that needs to wait until these pesky exams are over. Only a week or so to go now!!!

I just want to say thank you to all my friends and people who stick by me and support me. I know that I'm not the easiest person to be friends with and can be extremely stubborn with me constantly saying that "I'm not important" and my continuous want to solve other people's problems rather than my own, but I'm alright really.  You guys just wait as I know that something amazing is coming around the corner... and that's not just for me but you guys aswell.

Stay Strong

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