Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Smiles, Songs and Sunshine

What's this??? A blog with a happy title??? Never!!!

The sun is out and that makes everyone feel better, right? Sometimes this great weather can make you feel really bad about yourself.  If you're like me then you are indoors because you have to revise for your forthcoming exams.  Then there is the thing when people want to have the "ideal body" or the "perfect outfit and/or swimsuit" in order to make them look good. All this stress can make you feel bad.

At no point am I going to turn this blog into some form of fashion review or lifestyle blog.  Those aren't areas where I have any interest or knowledge. What I do know about is how to make people happy.  Earlier today, whilst on Twitter, I saw a tweet from someone I know but rarely speak to saying that they thought they didn't look good for this weather.  Being the sort of person I am, I told them that they were being silly, and then, when she thanked me, used one of my favourite phrases that always makes people smile and feel better:

Hakuna Matata
Such a wonderful phrase it is, and people can't but sing along to the well known song from The Lion King.  Many of friends have been subjected to this method of mine, and it seems to work.

So, when you feel bad because of exam stress or not being in the right shape for lying in the sun, just think that things will work out.

It's our problem-free, philosophy. Hakuna Matata
Stay Strong

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