Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Snow More!!!

I feel I need a rant.  I'm angry.

Everybody loves the snow don't they? DON'T THEY??? You know what? I don't. I hate the stuff. Why? I shall tell you why.

It has snowed three times here this year. That doesn't sound a lot but let's compare that to another fact. Three times this year I have had to be someone important, somewhere which, if I missed, would affect my future. And you'd never guess what! Those two facts, the snow one and the important places one, both coincided with each other. What are the chances of that???

I don't believe in coincidences, or destiny, or fate, but I do believe that things happen for a reason, but this is beyond a joke. It is not great for a university interview, a rearranged university interview and a grade 8 piano exam when you have to deal with the threat of this vile thing we call snow.

What's even worse is that everyone else gets the day of school, but my college refuses to have days off, which is fine and something that I actually agree to, except for everyone at my college decides not to even bother turning up for their lessons and flaunt this 'achievement' on the social networks of their own regard.

No doubt tonight will be full of people telling me that they went and made snowmen or had a snowball fight whilst I'm stuck here rattling through maths problems and fuming at the college for wasting my time by putting my cover IT lesson in a room where the computers don't have the correct software installed on them and when you confront the cover teacher, who has no idea what they are doing and doesn't hide the fact that they'd rather be somewhere else at all well, over this software matter they shout at you and say you can't leave the lesson early or even go to a room where the software is available.

And... relax

Stay Strong

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