Saturday, 30 March 2013

We Interrupt This Program...

Do you ever feel down, or alone? Ever feel like you need a way to release energy or make yourself happy? Do you need something to bring a bit of a spark to your life?

Then try all new JAZZ HANDS!

Jazz hands are made for those moments when you need a bit of a spark. It's impossible to do jazz hands without bringing a smile to your face. And best of all, they're free!!!

Jazz hands come in many different forms: The solo jazz hands, the group jazz hands and , my personal favourite, the OTT Jazz hands for those extra special Jazz hands moments.

So, what are you waiting for? Start Jazz hand-ing NOW!!!

Stay Strong

Thursday, 28 March 2013

What I Don't Understand About... Miscellaneous #1

For the fourth installment of this little series of mine, I thought I'd briefly mention some things that I don't understand but don't really have enough to talk about them without rambling. This way, I can make each topic short and sweet (just like you, reader, hey! #SuchABloggingFlirtIAm)

So here goes...

What I Don't Understand About...

My Hair

 If any of you know me, you'll know that my hair is a complete mess. To cut a long story short, it styles itself and is completely waterproof, I mean water actually bounces off it! Apparently, according to my hairdresser, it is really thick and, according to an ex-girlfriend, really soft even though it doesn't look it.

I guess I don't put enough effort into my hair, or how I look in general but I don't really care. I want people to like me for my personality and not because I wear the latest style in tops and jeans!

Hidden Agendas

I don't understand why people have them. Why do people have to be deceitful and do things for their own motives? It's just stupid and very hurtful. The whole idea that someone thinks they are more special and important than anyone else is beyond me. We're all equally as important and all have a purpose. We don't need to go things to for others to benefit us! If you help others enough then you'll get the rewards. You don't need to seek them out intentionally yourself

Making a Good Blog

I have no idea what I'm doing most of the time, and this blog is one of those things.  I'm not at all sure whether or not this is any good or if people actually read this, but I do know that I enjoy writing it.  At least this way I can say something 'funny' and not get embarrassed when nobody laughs! (That happens a lot). It also means that I can express myself, which was the reason why I started blogging along with wanting people to understand a bit more about me and to see that maybe, just maybe, they aren't alone. In that sense, this is a good blog as it's another way I can express myself without being confined to song lyrics that have to have a certain rhythm or rhyme. I don't have to be poetic!

That's all I can think of right now. Here's an idea! You readers out there could comment any things you don't understand in the comment-y thing at the bottom. I'd be really interested to read them! It can be about anything because this is just a random list with no sense or order to them.

Stay Strong

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

What I Don't Understand About... Marking "The Arts!"

Welcome to 'episode' 3 of this little series of mine. Today, I shall talk (rant) about the arts and how they are graded for exams.

Any art form, whether that be a painting, music, dance, drama, or sculpture etc., is opinionated.  The Arts are emotion and feeling lead and make a statement. You only have to look at modern art to see that they are there to provoke a feeling within the onlooker.

This is where grading art forms is hard. To some people, a black spot on a canvas can symbolise a vast array of feelings and emotions. To others, it is just a black spot on a canvas.  I can understand that a black spot on a canvas doesn't show much technical ability, but it could easily score highly on what it symbolises.

From middle school to high school I used to really enjoy art. Everyone in my class used to say that my drawings were amazing and they even asked me to draw for their 'Big Work'.  Thing is, my art teacher didn't think so and so, I got low grades. This really confused me and hurt me in a way. I used to love drawing, and now I don't.  I don't draw anymore, even though I have books on how to draw amazing things like speedboats, F1 cars and Dinosaurs, even though I have proper drawing pencils and an artist's notepad.  I lost the heart.

Music is now my creative passion, but even that is subjective. Two of my friends who are amazing musicians hated a composition I wrote, especially some of the harmony. I was really proud of the re-harmonizing that I had made, but having them say that they didn't like it hurt a little. I nearly got rid of it until I showed a music lecturer from a university who specialises in composition. He loved it! The same can be said for another of my compositions. One friend hates it whilst all my teachers are saying that it's on for a top grade... how bizarre a turn that has taken from the art work.

The message here is just create what you like and can be proud of. End of the day, if you are having to work on, let's say, a sculpture for your Art coursework and you have to spend weeks and months on it, then it should be something you would like to create and enjoy making because you'll have to put a lot of time into making it perfect and spend many hours looking at it, so you might as well like it! Same goes for any other art form. Just go out and enjoy yourself! If you enjoy it then what you create will improve!

Stay Strong

Saturday, 23 March 2013

I Know I've Got What It Takes

How many of you have heard of Alex Day? He's a British YouTuber and independent music who writes his own musician and produces and releases it without the help of a record label. What he has achieved on his own is amazing. With the help of his fanbase, he has managed to get 4 of his own songs in the UK Top 40... incredible!

Recently on his YouTube channel he released the video to his latest song, "I've Got What It Takes" and I have to say, it's a beautiful song.  Today, I decided that I would find/work out the chords and have a read of the lyrics, and those lyrics really spoke to me.

The song talks about having faith that things will turn out well, and that you should follow your dreams, and those words are a huge comfort to me especially at this time. The whole idea of feeling that I can get through this no matter what is really quite uplifting.

"And if people don't like it, well it won't bother me.
Failure's still something I can say I've achieved.
I won't forget that opinion, moving on isn't easy,
But not doing things would be boring indeed"
 So, if I've got what it takes, then so do you!

"I don't have superpowers, there's no magic spell
But I remain faithful for things to go well
I'm not looking for miracles, at least for today
I know I've got what it takes"

Stay Strong

Sunday, 17 March 2013

What I Don't Understand About...Birthdays!

Welcome to episode two of this series of mine where I rant about things that I don't understand or have twisted views on.  This 'episode' focuses on birthdays.

It's not that I don't understand the concept of a birthday. As we all know, it's the day when we exit our mother's womb with much crying, screaming and shouting (and that's not just the baby that is you).  Obviously, it is great to celebrate such a thing, much like when we celebrate wedding anniversaries and the like, I just don't think we celebrate them properly. The focus of the celebrations seem to centre around the person whose birthday it is and , in my opinion, that is slightly wrong.

It always amuses me when people say "Congratulations on being a year older" and then applaud you. I don't understand this for multiple reasons. Firstly, you aren't a year older. You're a day older, or even a second older. We get older all the time so why are we celebrating getting older just one day a year? Also, why are you congratulating the birthday person? All they've managed to do for this 'achievement' is survived another year.

My view is that the birthday person shouldn't be the one receiving presents or gifts, but the mother of the person for it is them that struggled with you inside them for nine months and then had to deal with all the actual giving birth stuff. They had to deal with buying larger, rather unflattering clothes, back pains, cravings for bizarre food combinations and all the stresses of gathering all the baby equipment and clothes that are necessary. If it wasn't for your mother, you wouldn't be here. Also, if it wasn't for the father although he has to deal with considerably less pain, about from the moans from a baby-carrying woman. Maybe have a "Happy Conception Day" for the father so he doesn't feel left out.

I doubt any of this will change anything, but I think a lot of it should be taken on board.  I know that it's nice to wish people a "Happy Birthday" but, to me, for that individual, there is no point in congratulating them... unless they're one of those extreme risk takes then, sure, congratulate them on surviving life!!!

Stay Strong

Friday, 15 March 2013

What I Don't Understand About...People!

There are lots of things in the world that I don't understand; parametric differentiation, fashion, hair, Japanese, cooking, vegetarians... but the thing that most confuses me is YOU and, specifically your mind.

I mean 'YOU' in a generalised term, like in French where you have 'You' (singular) and 'You' (plural). Basically, I don't understand how people think and why they act in certain ways. It seems logical to me that, if you think something then you should act upon it. I don't like it when people constantly change their minds, or say they're going to do one thing and then do the opposite, or they refuse to learn from their mistakes or lack of judgement.

We all make mistakes, or say things and do something different. I'm not going to say that I have not done any of these things, because I have. I'm not perfect or amazing etc.. I'm just me.  I have been involved in and witnessed situations where someone has said they'll do something and then not, and that can get to a lot of people and make people feel hurt, but also angry and begin to not trust you. It also hurts you... more so I would imagine as you begin to do things you don't want to do, but you do them because you 'have to' or someone else 'wants you' to.

Thing is, we need to get out of that mindset. It helps a lot. I've had a great week because I suddenly feel liberated. I'm doing things because I enjoy them, not because someone else wants me to or because I feel I have to do something to impress someone. I've become my own person again, and that's what I want everyone else to do. Don't do something when you don't want to.  Stop hurting yourself.  Something that I learned today is that, in order to love other people, you first have to love yourself. That isn't self-love and big-headedness but more accepting who you are and being happy with who you are and what you do and how you tick.

Quite a few people I know seem to be going around in endless circles in their life (metaphorically of course because literally would just be down right funny). What they need to understand is that they have the power to exit that circle, but they just seem to choose not to use it.  And I can't help them anymore because I said all I could the first time and my opinions rarely change when it comes to morals.

But, hey-ho. Life goes on... and I still don't understand those vegetarians. Maybe that's a rant for another day... and maybe I should turn this into a series every *insert period of time here*.

Stay Strong

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Snow More!!!

I feel I need a rant.  I'm angry.

Everybody loves the snow don't they? DON'T THEY??? You know what? I don't. I hate the stuff. Why? I shall tell you why.

It has snowed three times here this year. That doesn't sound a lot but let's compare that to another fact. Three times this year I have had to be someone important, somewhere which, if I missed, would affect my future. And you'd never guess what! Those two facts, the snow one and the important places one, both coincided with each other. What are the chances of that???

I don't believe in coincidences, or destiny, or fate, but I do believe that things happen for a reason, but this is beyond a joke. It is not great for a university interview, a rearranged university interview and a grade 8 piano exam when you have to deal with the threat of this vile thing we call snow.

What's even worse is that everyone else gets the day of school, but my college refuses to have days off, which is fine and something that I actually agree to, except for everyone at my college decides not to even bother turning up for their lessons and flaunt this 'achievement' on the social networks of their own regard.

No doubt tonight will be full of people telling me that they went and made snowmen or had a snowball fight whilst I'm stuck here rattling through maths problems and fuming at the college for wasting my time by putting my cover IT lesson in a room where the computers don't have the correct software installed on them and when you confront the cover teacher, who has no idea what they are doing and doesn't hide the fact that they'd rather be somewhere else at all well, over this software matter they shout at you and say you can't leave the lesson early or even go to a room where the software is available.

And... relax

Stay Strong

Sunday, 3 March 2013

A Time To Laugh

Looking back over my recent blogs, there seems to have been a trend. I seem to have written a load of rather depressing blogs about life decisions, the lack of destiny and other things that just seem to be me waffling on about things that really aren't very entertaining. I mean, I'm supposed to be an entertainer after all aren't I?

People don't read this expecting to come out crying, I don't want that. I want people to laugh with me at my life.  So let's lighten the mood a little:

Yes... that is me. The sound quality is poor, but I hope you laugh a little at it.

Anyway... what was I going to say. Surely I wrote this with a point other than to plug my Youtube channel and things...

I guess the message is to stay happy. Things may well be going wrong but it's finding the joy in the small things that makes life worth living.  I mean, take me at the dentist this week. I had to have a filling and I was dead scared because it was my first one. Thing is, the one thing I was focusing on during that whole ordeal was how much I sounded like Johnny English when they all get injected with that numbing serum and can't pronounce their words properly... and I was quietly laughing to myself.

The little things in your life are usually the most important, most fun, and make you the happiest.

Stay Strong